Weight Loss MD Colorado Springs

Increase Energy With A Vitamin B12 Injection For $35 (Single Injection)

B12 is a water-soluble vitamin found in many foods, including meat and dairy products. Vitamin B12 in the body is necessary to maintain good health. It is easy to become Vitamin B12 deficient while dieting, which can be replaced by an injection.

Your Body Needs B12
The human body needs B12 for the overall health of nerve and red blood cells. B12 also aids in digestion. Since the body does not manufacture it, diet and supplementation are the only way to get it. When dieting, a B12 deficiency can occur due to the limiting consumption of foods high in B12, such as red meat.

Physical Signs of Serious Deficiency
One indication that there may not be enough B12 present in the body is if one begins to feel tired and dizzy, especially when dieting. An individual may also experience diarrhea or constipation and become disoriented or confused when lacking B12. In some extreme cases, there has been evidence of tingling sensation and even chest pains in those low B12.

Benefits When Dieting
Taking injections of B12 can boost the body by providing the energy that is usually supplied through proper eating. From a dieting standpoint, it can also help reduce food cravings. In older people, it can help alleviate the vitamin deficiency that can result from a lack of variety in diet and help maintain energy levels and maintain memory function.

How it Works
Patients on B12 report more energy and less stress. Since B12 helps with energy levels, patients are more motivated to continue their diets and exercise than those not receiving B12 injections. You may receive B12 injections every five days to every seven days.